Getting Market Information

General information about a stablecoin market can be retrieved via the below endpoint:

Due to the asynchronous nature of EthAnchor, the actual aTerra exchange rate applied will be different to the exchange rate returned by stablecoin_info. The expected receive amount calculated using this value WILL NOT match the actual receive amount.

Get stablecoin information


GET /api/v1/stablecoin_info/{stable_denom} allows you to query the current status of money market with stable_denom as the quote.

Query Parameters

    // Denom
    // denom of the stablecoin money market
    “stable_denom”: “uusd”,
    // LiquidTerra
    // liquidTerra is the currently available stablecoin pool size in money market.
    “liquid_terra”: “100000”,
    // ExchangeRate
    // exchange rate between aTerra <> stablecoin (e.g. aUST <> UST)
    “exchange_rate”: “1.0123”,
    // LastUpdated
    // Unix timestamp at which the last update to this response has been made
    "last_updated": 1608710761,
    // ##################################################
    // # Below fields are borrower-related information. #
    // ##################################################
    // BorrowedTerra
    // Sum of all borrowed liabilities in this money market
    "borrowed_terra": "1000000",
    // UtilizationRatio
    // Ratio between borrowed deposit and total stablecoin deposit  
    "utilization_ratio": "0.5",
    // BorrowInterest
    // Interest rate per block
    "borrow_interest": "0.000000005707763",

Last updated