Testing Guide

You can test out the EthAnchor contracts and APIs by:

1. Obtaining Ropsten Wrapped UST

Ropsten Wrapped UST can be also obtained by writing a request at the EthDenver Discord's Terra channel.

In order to obtain Ropsten wrapped UST, you must first obtain Tequila (Terra testnet) UST. Tequila UST can be transferred over to the Ethereum blockchain (Ropsten) via Shuttle.

Installing Terra Station

Terra Station, the wallet application for the Terra blockchain can be downloaded at: https://terra.money/#1

After installing and creating a wallet, switch to Testnet using the dropdown at the bottom-left corner.

Obtaining Tequila UST

Tequila UST can be received at: https://faucet.terra.money/

Insert your Terra Station address, and select the receiving denomination to UST.

Note that the faucet imposes a limit of 50,000 UST per wallet (per 24 hours).

Transferring Tequila UST to Ropsten

Shuttle offers the ability to transfer Terra-side UST tokens to Ethereum.

In the Wallet section of Terra Station, click on the Send button to open a popup to send UST.

Select Ethereum as the network and insert your Ethereum address along with the amount to transfer. The memo field can be left empty.

2. Interacting Through the EthAnchor HTTP API

The EthAnchor API is responsible for the fabrication of unsigned Ethereum Tx payloads. The payload can be signed and broadcasted to the Ethereum Ropsten network with the use of Ethereum SDKs like Ethers.js and web3.js.

The API can be accessed at: https://ropsten-api.anchorprotocol.com/

Creating an Client Access Key (Authentication)

The API access key is an base64-encoded user's AnchorAccount contract address.

> echo -n '0x622f9c1Cf76421b9Da1fFB6f2B93888B0E7c896a' | base64

Base64 encoding / decoding can be done at: https://www.base64encode.org/

Last updated